Privacy Policy Update
July 11, 2024 in Announcements, Front Page
BullShooter Live Mobile App Privacy Policy has been updated as of July 11, 2024.
July 11, 2024 in Announcements, Front Page
BullShooter Live Mobile App Privacy Policy has been updated as of July 11, 2024.
April 11, 2019 in Announcements, Front Page
December 11, 2017 in Announcements, Front Page
Players! Tournament King Online is up and running. Do you enjoy the camaraderie of the sport and look forward to all the tournaments that are available to play in..? Then TKO is what you have been waiting for. Talk with your Operators or visit our Tournament King Online Facebook page to find TKO events to join.
Compete in more events and have more fun!
Download the “Player Setup Guide” here.
March 22, 2016 in Announcements, Front Page
Stay connected for all your BullShooter World Tour info!
If you have questions about the BullShooter World Tour or would like to share your amazing moments from the Finals or the Regionals be sure to hash tag it with
July 19, 2012 in Announcements, News, Ranked Play
Ranked Play is a feature of the Galaxy 3 Live dartboard which gives you the opportunity to earn your rank among the best dart players from around the world.
By registering your HotButton and creating your Ranked Player Profile, you can track your stats during games, and they will be used to calculate your placement among all other Ranked Players. Not only is this a fun challenge of skill, it also gives the top ranked player statistical proof that they are indeed the best in the world!
To use Ranked Play, you must first acquire a HotButton. If you do not have a HotButton, please contact your local operator for details on how to obtain one. Secondly, go to a Galaxy 3 Live Dartboard and create a Ranked Player Profile. To do this, simply apply your HotButton to the reader on the machine, and follow the on-screen instructions to create a profile. After you have successfully registered your HotButton and created your Ranked Player Profile, you can begin earning your rank by applying your HotButton to the reader at the start of your turn in a game. When the Ranked Player Icon and your Profile name appear on the screen, you are ready for global competition!
For more details on how to properly register for Ranked Play, please view these instructions.