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Get the Mobile App Now!

June 10, 2015 in Ranked Play, Remote Play

Check your stats whenever & wherever you want! Download the BullShooter Live – BullPen mobile app now!

You can scan the QR code for your Android or iOS device below, you can click this Android link for Android devices, or click this iOS link for your iOS devices.


Getting Started

July 23, 2012 in Ranked Play

To use Ranked Play, you must first acquire a HotButton. If you do not have a HotButton, please contact your local operator for details on how to obtain one. Secondly, go to a Galaxy 3 Live Dartboard and create a Ranked Player Profile. To do this, simply apply your HotButton to the reader on the machine, and follow the on-screen instructions to create a profile.

Once you have created your profile, don’t stop; there is one more step! You need to open Ranked Play Profile, as shown in the screenshot below.

From here, you must select Update Website Email and enter your email address. This is the address you will use to log into BullShooter Live. Next, select Update Website Password and set your BullShooter Live password. These two options are highlighted in the following screenshot:

When you are finished setting up your Website Email and Website Password on the Galaxy 3 machine, you are ready to sign into BullShooter Live!

Please note that you are not required to provide a Website Email or a Website Password in order to play ranked games with your HotButton; however, if you do not provide them you will be unable to log into this website. If you have already registered a HotButton for ranked play but you did not provide your email and password, you can still do so. Simply touch your HotButton to any Galaxy 3 machine and select Ranked Play Profile as described above.

Ranking and Skill Rating Rules

July 19, 2012 in Ranked Play

Skill Rating, Classification, & Ranking Rules

With the use of a registered HotButton and an online G3, all games played will save a player’s stats, linking them to that player’s HotButton. Games on the G3 that display a gold icon next to their names are games that qualify for the Global Leaderboards (BullShooter Live PPD and BullShooter Live MPR). All other games qualify for the Individual Games Leaderboards. When using a HotButton during gameplay the game is then referred to as a ranked game. After a player completes 10 qualifying games, a skill level will be calculated. Additionally the player’s PPD/MPR will be displayed in that player’s ranked play profile page on Once a player has their skill level calculated a classification will then be created per darthead and gametype that was played. There are currently 7 distinct Classifications that a Player can get placed into:


X01 (PPD) Cricket (MPR)
Class Greater Than / Equal To Less Than Class Greater Than / Equal To Less Than
S 45.00 - S 4.50 -
AAA 40.00 45.00 AAA 4.00 4.50
AA 35.00 40.00 AA 3.50 4.00
A 30.00 35.00 A 3.00 3.50
B 25.00 30.00 B 2.50 3.00
C 20.00 25.00 C 2.00 2.50
D - 20.00 D - 2.00


The Global Leaderboards for 15″ and 13″ gametypes and darthead sizes are tracked separately. So in order to earn your Rank and make it onto any one of the Leaderboards you will need to maintain at least the minimum amount of games to be played for each Leaderboard you would like to make it onto. There are two main types of leaderboards, Global Leaderboards (BullShooter Live PPD and BullShooter Live MPR) rankings and Individual Game rankings:
The following games contribute to your BullShooter Live PPD: 301 Open In / Open Out, and 501 Open In / Open Out. (This is subject to change without notice.)

Only Cricket 200 games are counted towards your BullShooter Live MPR. (This is subject to change without notice.)
To qualify for the 15” BullShooter Live ranking Leaderboards, you must have played at least 20 games that count toward your BullShooter Live PPD or MPR within the last 30 days on the 15” darthead.
To qualify for the 13” BullShooter Live ranking Leaderboards, you must have played at least 10 games that count toward your BullShooter Live PPD or MPR within the last 30 days on the 13” darthead.
Individual Game Leaderboards exist for most game types on the Galaxy 3 Live machine. To qualify for an individual game ranking, you must play at least 10 ranked games of that type and darthead. Count Up games must be limited to 8 rounds to be considered ranked.

Handicapped games are tracked. However they do not affect your rank or skill rating.
Ranked Play on the Galaxy 3 Live Ranked Play on the Galaxy 3 Live dartboard gives you the opportunity to earn a rank among the best dart players from around the world. By registering your HotButton and creating your Ranked Player Profile, you can track your stats during games, and they will be used to calculate your placement among all other Ranked Players. Not only is this a fun challenge of skill, it also gives the top ranked player statistical proof that they are indeed the best in the world!

To use Ranked Play, you must first acquire a HotButton. If you do not have a HotButton, please contact your local operator for details on how to obtain one. Then, go to an online Galaxy 3 Live Dartboard and create a Ranked Player Profile. In order to do this make sure you are on the main menu screen, then simply apply your HotButton to the reader on the machine, and follow the on-screen instructions to create a profile. After you have successfully registered your HotButton and created your Ranked Player Profile, you can begin earning your rank by applying your HotButton to the reader at the start of your turn in a game. When the Ranked Player Icon and your Profile name appear on the screen, you are ready for global competition! If the G3 is not online you will not see the Ranked Player Icon next to your name. Please be aware if the internet goes down due to weather or a poor connection during any of your ranked games the G3 will save your stats and then transfer them to once the internet connection has been restored. In short the G3 must connect to the internet in order to transfer all ranked play stats to

For more details on how to properly register for Ranked Play, please view these instructions.

Ranked Play on the Galaxy 3 Live

July 19, 2012 in Announcements, News, Ranked Play

Ranked Play is a feature of the Galaxy 3 Live dartboard which gives you the opportunity to earn your rank among the best dart players from around the world.

By registering your HotButton and creating your Ranked Player Profile, you can track your stats during games, and they will be used to calculate your placement among all other Ranked Players. Not only is this a fun challenge of skill, it also gives the top ranked player statistical proof that they are indeed the best in the world!

To use Ranked Play, you must first acquire a HotButton. If you do not have a HotButton, please contact your local operator for details on how to obtain one. Secondly, go to a Galaxy 3 Live Dartboard and create a Ranked Player Profile. To do this, simply apply your HotButton to the reader on the machine, and follow the on-screen instructions to create a profile. After you have successfully registered your HotButton and created your Ranked Player Profile, you can begin earning your rank by applying your HotButton to the reader at the start of your turn in a game. When the Ranked Player Icon and your Profile name appear on the screen, you are ready for global competition!

For more details on how to properly register for Ranked Play, please view these instructions.